Advertising on has grown from a mere homepage to a site which has gained more than 200,000 hit's since it's introduction April 2000. We are proud of it's growing popularity in the Sportbike community. Even though we are not the top site on the world wide web for sportbikes, we know for a fact that we are highly respected. We recieve thousands of hits daily with a lot of those being repeat business from people who love our site. A lot of that is attributed to respect in the sportbike community.

We are linked on most major sportbike sites which means that gives the advertiser more exposure through others. With continued growth in our future, along with product sales and advertising. We hope that you choose for your advertising needs!

Banner's need to be in GIF or Jpeg format only no larger than 20 K with dimensions not exceeding 468 X 60. We will place an announcement of gaining your business in our "Braking News" area on our main page. For rates information please email me.